5 Life Lessons I've Learned From Barry's Bootcamp

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There are so many different workout methods out there to stay in shape. However, I truly believe staying consistent with one particular method for atleast 2-3 months is the only way to know if it is the right workout for you and get the mental and physical results you are looking for. A few months back I started consistently attending Barry’s Bootcamp (about 3-4 classes a week) and to say I fell in love is an understatement!

If you haven’t heard of Barry’s Bootcamp it is a 1 hour HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) style class where you can burn over 1,000 calories in ONE CLASS! Every day of the week the class works different areas of the body to make it the ultimate weekly workout! Although when I first wandered into Barry’s I was just looking for a new workout – I now realized that Barry’s is so much more than a workout: it’s a lifestyle, it’s a community and it gives you a whole new confidence and outlook on life. So besides getting my body summer ready I wanted to share with you five life lessons I’ve learned at Barry’s Bootcamp:

  1. The only person you are in competition with is yourself: One of the reasons why I LOVE Barry’s bootcamp is because the lighting is dark (and sexy!) and there are mirrors in front of everywhere you are working out. I hear all the time from people that they are intimidated to go to Barry’s, but the truth is the only person you can see in that room is YOU. I’ve realized that the only person I need to worry about is myself, and I only want to be better than the person I was yesterday.
  2. Never get comfortable, keep challenging yourself and setting goals: One of the reasons why Barry’s is so unique is because the amazing teachers give you so many options in class no matter WHAT level you are at. They cater every class to beginners, immediate, and advanced – which is absolutely amazing. It is impossible for a Barry’s class to ever get EASY. The option to create new challenges and achieve new goals is always there. This is exactly how I want to live my life everyday. I am constantly working towards achieving my goals and reaching for the stars!
  3. If you work hard in life and stay consistent, you can achieve anything: When I first started taking Barry’s, there were so many things I thought I would never be able to do. I felt like I wasn’t strong enough, fit enough or even motivated enough. Now that I have been consistently going and working my butt off I can’t believe some of the things my body can do! Hard work and dedication is something that nobody can ever take away from you!!
  4. Tough times don’t last but tough people do: There are some moments in a Barry’s class (and life), where I just want to give up. However at Barry’s we learn that these tough times pass and if we can make it through them: we only come out stronger, more inspired and more motivated. I absolutely love when I push through things I never thought I could – like a 1 minute SPRINT!
  5. Build a community of positive people and positive things will come into your life:  One of the top reasons I go to Barry’s is because of the amazing community that is built there. The teachers and staff are encouraging, welcoming, positive and so helpful.  Whenever you step into Barry’s they make you feel at home and it feels like one big fun hangout. (Shoutout to my 8:20 am Monday crew for Matt Conrad’s amazing class!)!! The people I meet at Barry’s inspire me and make me want to keep reaching for my goals. Only surround yourself with positive people ALWAYS!
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Barry’s is so much more than just a workout to me. It has transformed my physical, my mental and has been such a positive addition into my life.

If you live in the Los Angeles area I will be hosting my own Barry’s Bootcamp Class and of course you’re invited!! Click —-> here to sign up for my special events e-mail list so I can send you the formal invite! If you don’t live in the Los Angeles area click here to find your Barry’s closest to you – or just let me know next time you’re in LA and we can go together!

Lots of Love!
